July 4th, 2020


…as we continue deeper in this revised world…there appears a surge of solidarity a rumble of change…calling this a wave might be overly hopeful at this moment yet it will be more so if the current momentum carries into and beyond the upcoming elections…

…Nascar, a standard bearer of disregard for essentially jingoistic and discriminatory sentiments, is the latest, highly visible indication that attitudes are changing at a rapid pace…

…the intentions of the black lives matter movement have moved beyond the shouters and the demonstrations and the occasional violence into a realm of actual progress championed by a vast majority of us…it has become a fact of living in America that there are indeed underserved, deprived, and isolated segments of our population who have been unjustly painted as a class unworthy or undeserving of common participation in the great democracy on which we were founded…the cloaked and ignored are now in the front…

…the last are becoming the first…because we are marching together and thinking many of the same thoughts…America and Americans for all…what a grand concept…

…on this fourth of July I salute our freedom and shout out for its chimes to ring in every ear from every street corner and be heard beating in every heart…

…peter de caprio

peter de caprio

Designer by education, cabinet maker by trade, salon & spa owner by inspiration.


As The News Piles Up